Experts from Cornell University and NY Ag and Markets will present the latest research and information on hemp fiber and grain production in New York State. Tuesday evening we’ll discuss varieties, planting, and harvesting with Dr. Larry Smart, and we’ll learn about the latest pest management strategies from Drs. Lynn Sosnoskie and Gary Bergstrom, and NYS Integrated Pest Management’s Marion Zuefle. On Wednesday, we’ll discuss fiber and grain processing with Lindsay Pashow of Harvest NY, hemp economics with John Hanchar of the Northwest NY Dairy, Livestock, and Field Crops Team, and the current NY State regulatiory and policy updates with Tim Sweeney of NY Ag and Markets.
Tuesday, July 6 – Variety research, planting and harvesting methods, insects, weeds, and diseases.
Wednesday, July 7 – Processing and processors, hemp production economics, and the latest regulatory and policy updates from the New York State Dept. of Ag and Markets.